
Australia based pharmacist officially opens school block built in memory of late mother |

By Staff Reporter

Australia-based pharmacist Emmanuel Pasura, Saturday officially opened a school block he built in memory of his late mother Rosa at Madudzo Primary School in Ward 24, Hurungwe, Mashonaland West at a ceremony graced by hundreds of guests.

The late Rosa Pasura née Maworera, who died in 2015 facilitated the building of Madudzo Primary by the local council.

Her children had completed school some decades before but the plight of pupils from her community who travelled at least 22 km to and from the nearest school, Chiroti Primary every day, moved her.

She was then selected as the school’s first chairperson; bearing testimony to how much she valued education and development in her community.

The building named the ‘Rosa Pasura Block’ features a commemorative plaque and houses two classrooms and offices.

Commemorative plaque

Rosa Pasura Block

In his speech, Emmanuel who funded the building of the classroom block said he was glad the project would benefit his community.

“My mother was dedicated to facilitating the building of schools from Gutu Mukoko, Chiroti to Deve. She would make sure her children attended school and would even ask for loans from relatives to pay our tuition. That dedication is why we are all gathered here today. I want to encourage pupils here to remain focused, it doesn’t matter that you learnt at a rural school like Madudzo, you can still uplift your community and achieve your dream,” he said.

Emmanuel’s father

“I am so happy my son worked on this project for our community and I am glad our relatives are here to witness this ceremony. I encouraged Emmamuel to work on this project and now we are here celebrating its completion. I want to encourage other families in the community to give back and develop our area,” said Emmanuel’s father, Anos.

Among the guests attending the colourful ceremony were Hurungwe West legislator Chinjai Kambuzuma, ward 24 councillor,  Hurungwe District and local village heads who applauded Pasura for the building saying it will go a long way in assisting the school.

MP Chinjai Kambuzuma thanks Pasura for giving back to the community.

“I want to thank the Pasura family for this block, they could have built a hotel but instead they chose to build this classroom block for a school that none of their relatives attend, that says a lot about their good character. Unfortunately, Gogo Rosa is no longer with us but I know this ceremony has made her happy,” said legislator Kambuzuma.

Former Madudzo Primary School headmaster, Jester Muzira applauded Pasura for tirelessly working on the project which took over two years to complete after it was stalled by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Building of the classroom block was the second project by Pasura after he started a memorial fund for girls in memory of his late mother.

“As a community, we are grateful to our donor Emmanuel and the Pasura family for the love they have shown us. The initial project was focused on educating the girl child as a tribute to the late Rosa, till we ended up working on the classroom block. The project started in December 2019 and it was stalled by the Covid-19 pandemic, it was eventually completed in 2021 so we were just waiting for Mr Emmanuel Pasura to come for the official opening ceremony,” added Muzira.

Emmanuel Pasura poses for a picture with Madudzo Primary School pupils

Maworera and Pasura family members travelled from different areas across the country to witness the block’s opening.

Karoi-based musicians MK Vybz and Scarlet who composed the event’s theme song titled “Madudzo Primary” provided entertainment, much to the delight of guests.

The ceremony was wrapped up with friendly netball and soccer matches Madudzo against Deve Primary.

Written by admin