
CCC’s Chamisa attacks Zanu PF for ‘child abuse and terrorising citizens’; school kids forced into anti-sanctions events

By Thandiwe Garusa

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CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa has chided Zanu PF for roping in school children to participate in just ended anti-sanctions events held across the country.

He said coercion of pupils into activities whose origins and impact they were unfamiliar with, was tantamount to child abuse.

The government has been blaming sanctions imposed on his officials for the country’s poor economic performance that has seen skyrocketing unemployment levels, poor health care and a deteriorating education sector.

On October 25, which is Zimbabwe’s National Anti-Sanctions Day, most school pupils were ordered to participate in protests against the embargoes.

Addressing the media Thursday at Chikurubi Maximum prison, Chamisa said government was abusing and terrorising its own citizens.


“It is child abuse, crimes against humanity is unacceptable. That is actually poisoning young people and it is abuse and it is being done by a whole government .

“When government is at the forefront of abusing citizens it is a difficult thing. In other countries and other jurisdictions, terrorism is done by ordinary sections of the citizens, but in our own county, terrorism is actually instigated by government and the government is the terrorist,” Chamisa said.

The CCC leader also said life is going to be unbearable if Zanu PF stays in power come 2023.

“The greatest sanction in this country is Zanu PF and Zanu PF being the head of sanctions against the people must go.

“Without Zanu PF going, life is going to be very unbearable for the people of Zimbabwe. We are very clear that Zimbabweans want change and 2023 is a turning point, Zimbabweans are determined and we are going to provide that alternative and we are ready,” Chamisa said.

Meanwhile, Zanu PF has boldly claimed it will win the 2023 general election.

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