
Council gives businesses fourteen-day ultimatum to place bins outside premises

By Anna Chibamu

HARARE City Council has given a 14-day ultimatum to building owners to put bins outside their premises or risk having their building closed or being fined.

In a statement this week, the city council said it would enforce the law on those who fail to abide by the directive.

“The City of Harare would like to notify building owners, business premises owner and other stakeholders that they are within the next 14 days required to have bins outside their premises.

“This is with immediate effect and building owners who do not comply with this within the stipulated period will not only be fined but will have their buildings closed.

“This notice is issued in accordance with the Harare Statutory Instrument 158/86 Anti-Litter By-Law. The City will enforce law until every building owner complies with the directive,” the statement read.

In recent years, the few bins along the streets or at bus terminuses in the city go for weeks without being emptied with council citing it does not have enough trucks and fuel to clear the garbage from the CBD.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa introduced the “Clean Up Campaign” a few years ago countrywide aimed at keeping surroundings clean.

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