
Fight rocks Zanu PF Mash West Youth League as plot to oust chairman thickens

By James Muonwa, Mashonaland West Correspondent

A camp opposed to Zanu PF Mashonaland West Youth League chairman, Tapiwa Masenda, is circulating a vote of no confidence petition to have him removed from the influential post.

As factionalism persists within the ruling party, there are rumours detractors want Masenda booted out for making unilateral co-options of members into the provincial executive organ and nepotism.

He is also accused of disregarding the national elections ranking order by invoking the gender card to elevate Valerie Makonza to post of external affairs secretary ahead of Shepherd Marime, who was relegated to secretary for education.

By the time of publishing, a total of 26 signatures out of possible 40 provincial youth executive members had been appended to the VONC document.

Contacted by for comment Tuesday, Masenda confirmed the plot to jettison him from the powerful YL post through a petition.

“I am aware of the VONC petition circulating, but this is being spearheaded by people who don’t have interests of Zanu PF at heart but selfish interests,” said Masenda.

“Just a few days ago, we had by elections in Kariba in which the party performed dismally, and this has to be worked on. How then do we do that in order to garner the five million votes when we are busy plotting against each other.”

Zanu PF sources who spoke to alleged Masenda was bribed by named party bigwigs to disregard the provincial youth conference outcome’s ranking order of candidates seconded to contest at the just-ended national YL indaba, thereby sparking disunity.

On the other hand, certain powerful politicians bent on controlling the YL structures are reportedly bankrolling the VONC drive against Masenda.

Chegutu Rural District Council chairman, Tatenda Gwinji, a close ally of Mashonaland West Provincial Affairs Minister Mary Mliswa-Chikoka, is reportedly eyeing the youth chairmanship post.

Gwinji recently lost the national youth league elections, but his handlers want him to have another bite of the cherry inorder to consolidate their power.

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