
Green Fuel Expansion Project To Generate 32 Megawatts Of Electricity – Chiwenga Tells Campaign Rally

By Felix Matasva, Manicaland Correspondent

ACTING President Constantino Chiwenga says Green Fuel’s Ethanol facility expansion in Chisumbanje will help to increase electricity generation and create job opportunities for youths in Manicaland province.

Chiwenga said this Sunday during a Zanu PF by-elections star rally for Dangamvura-Chikanga and Mutasa South constituency which was held at Dangamvura ground.

The Green Fuel venture is mainly backed by Billy Rautenbach who was once blacklisted by the European Union and the United States of America for alleged links to the late former President Robert Mugabes’s regime.

The ethanol producer once put its expansion programme on hold in 2017 with insiders citing the economic environment as not favourable for the scale of investment.

Chiwenga said the ethanol production plant which is being expanded will generate excess electricity of up to 32 megawatts.

“We have the Green Fuel expansion phase in Chisumbanje which will generate 32 Megawatts of electricity. We are going to address electricity challenges,” Chiwenga said.

“Green Fuel will also produce sugar cane on a 24 000 hectare land and ethanol fuel amounting to 220 million litres per year.

“These are some of the projects that we are working on in order to ensure development in the country.”

Chiwenga added that plans are underway to spruce up Osborne Dam, approximately 35 km from Mutare so as to improve irrigation and electricity generation.

He said that there are various projects being spearheaded by government to secure employment opportunities for young people in Manicaland province.

Added Chiwenga: “These jobs includes Feruka Gas project in Mutare which is aimed at increasing the production of hydrogen and medical oxygen. Right now there are various countries seeking for our medical oxygen hence youths will benefit from employment opportunities.

“We have green house project, farms owned by ARDA Katiyo where avocados, macadamia nuts are produced.These farming projects will help uplifting livelihood of farmers and residents in Mutasa district.

“We have Allied Timbers milling plant which will widen job opportunities for timber farmers in Chimanimani.”

Zanu PF has over the past years been chided for failing to meet promises it made in the run up to 2018 elections.

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