
GZU lecturers in a quandary as varsity suspends payment of hiked medical aid premiums

By Staff Reporter

SCORES of Great Zimbabwe University (GZU) teaching staff and their dependants are in a fix after the college unilaterally stopped paying revised premiums to its medical insurers.

The move has thrown policy holders and their immediate families in a quandary as doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists and other specialists demand cash upfront for them to get medical services.

In a recent notice to the already unpaid lecturers, GZU Assistant Registrar, Human Resources (Teaching Staff), a Ms Mutevedzi said staff must find alternative means to fund their health insurance.

“We write to advise that the university has suspended payment of monthly premiums with immediate effect due to the exorbitant revised premiums.

“You are hereby advised to seek alternative medical assistance in the interim if need arises whilst the university engages the service provider,” wrote Mutevedzi.

Some affected lecturers told that they were contemplating quitting their jobs as management led by Vice Chancellor Rungano Zvobgo is systemically wiping away benefits.

“I joined the university on the promise of better pay and conditions of service. What is there to stay in the job for when benefits such as medical aid are removed. Zvobgo runs this institution like a fiefdom,” lamented a lecturer, who requested anonymity for fear of victimisation.

Efforts to get comment from GZU spokesperson, Andersen Chipatiso were fruitless by time of publication.

The varsity has also reportedly notified staffers that “due to circumstances beyond our control, payment of July, 2023 salaries will be delayed.”

This publication confirmed with some tutors from the university who had not received their July salaries by time of writing.


Written by admin