
Jonathan Moyo says he received death ‘threats’ after Kasukuwere comments

By Staff Reporter

Exiled former cabinet minister Professor Jonathan Moyo said Sunday he had received death threats after his comments about fellow exile Saviour Kasukuwere’s leadership ambitions.

The erstwhile Zanu PF G-40 faction drivers appear to have bitterly fallen out as they follow different pathways five ways after barely managing to escape into exile as former President Robert Mugabe was ousted by a military coup.

Prof Moyo and ex-cabinet colleague Patrick Zhuwao recently issued a public apology to Zanu PF members in what was seen as part of a bid to rejoin the ruling party.

For his part, Kasukuwere (also known as Tyson) – and in apparent reference to Moyo and Zhuwao’s move, said he would never apologise, indicating instead that he was ready to lead the country.

Said Prof Moyo on Twitter; “Someone just sent me an audacious life-threatening message on WhatsApp simply because I defended myself against his gratuitous public political attack. In politics, there are no sacred cows, and no person has a title deed on Zimbabwe. Accordingly, necessary steps have been taken!

“It is not right that some people – in opposition ranks – think Zimbabwe is theirs alone; that only they have political interests, and have exclusive rights to engage the stae; that other Zimbabweans must stay dumb & leave politics to them, even when they’re gratuitously provoked!

“The idea of a God chosen one leader or of a one-party opposition – or of some self-proclaimed descendant of Nehanda, destined to rule Zimbabwe come rain or shine – is as repugnant and unacceptable as the idea of a one-party state: you cannot oppose the one, to support the other!,” Says Moyo.

The threat was issued after Moyo scorned Kasukuwere’s public pretence that he would never apologise to Zanu PF.

“It’s cheap for Tyson to make hay out of the open ‘apology letter’ Patrick Zhuwao and I wrote. Our letter is public and is to Zanu PF members; unlike his private ‘APOLOGY CATTLE’ to a Zanu PF bigwig.

“Meanwhile, when it suits him, Tyson associates himself with our letter.”

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