
Liberia’s Mahmud Johnson: boosting development through sustainable economy

Since 2014, the company has grown from processing 125kg palm kernels a day to one ton per hour. Starting with four people, the company has grown to 109 employees. And out in the field, J-palm has expanded to 7,200 farmers in 52 villages, up from 50 farmers.

For Johnson, however, his business enterprise stems from his interest in public service.

“I have always been interested in public service, I think it comes from an interest in development while growing up in Liberia during the war. After the war, what we heard people talk about was peacebuilding, economic development, and post-conflict reconstruction. I am fascinated by how people can transform societies,” he tells The Africa Report.

After a year of working in Liberia’s ministry of state for presidential affairs and for an NGO, Johnson received a scholarship to study economics at Dartmouth College in the United States. After

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