
Meet Cornel West, the African-American challenging Joe Biden for the presidency

“provocative public intellectual”

Jeanne le Bihan

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June 14, 2023 09:13

In the US, Californian academic Cornel West has announced his presidential campaign as a member of the People’s Party, a candidacy that could overshadow incumbent President Joe Biden, who is seeking a second term.

Just 30 seconds into the video, the name of the American left’s new candidate, Dr. Cornel West, appears in orange letters against a black background. Dressed in his customary three-piece suit, he announces his intention to take part in the presidential election, scheduled for November 2024. His aim is “to give power to those who have been marginalised”, as explained against music.

To produce this promotional clip, which has all the makings of a feature-length trailer, the California-raised intellectual and activist sought the assistance of three professional directors. Teacher, philosopher, writer, musician, actor, and director – West has done it all in his career. Now he is adding another string to his bow by entering politics, having spent so many years on the streets demonstrating for civil rights, women’s rights, and democracy.

Very popular despite being at the heart of several

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