
Mliswa takes a swipe at Mwonzora over councillors recall

By Reason Razao | Senior reporter

NORTON independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has fired salvos at beleaguered MDC Alliance leader Douglas Mwonzora for abusing his position to settle scores with party officials who are jumping ship to Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

This comes after Mwonzora recalled three Norton councillors.

Mliswa said the recalls will add problems to an already dysfunctional system.


Mwonzora recalls Kwekwe Deputy Mayor, two other councillors

Mwonzora recalls three more councillors for defecting to Chamisa’s CCC 

Mwonzora, through the minister of Local Government, July Moyo, announced that Norton councillors Rosemary Chinoyera, Charles Dube and Nuchaneta Munyeveri had been recalled by the MDC Alliance party.

“Norton is now in a mess at Council level as Mwonzora has recalled some of the Councillors. It’s an additional problem to an already dysfunctional system,” Mliswa said.

“That is why I’m urging Norton residents to be proactive and come up with resolutions on the type of Councillors they want. Having independent Councillors who tow the people’s line instead of the party should be the way,” he added.

Mliswa poured scorn on party politicians whom he said have become a burden that slows development.

“I am happy that Ward 1 has already stated its preference for Reggie Gavara, an independent, to stand. In the aftermath of the promiscuous use of Section 129(1)(k) entitling political parties with powers to recall, it has become an urgent agenda for the electorate to vote for independent candidates whom they can control and guide.

“The sentimental allocation of votes to incompetent candidates on the basis of party parentage is an unprogressive addiction from which many should be rehabilitated. It has given Parliament and Councils bogus leaders who add no value to communities or the country,” he said.

Mwonzora also recalled Mutare and Kwekwe councillors for associating with Nelson Chamisa’s CCC.

MDC has so far recalled over 200 councillors nationwide.

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