
Mnangagwa critics says ‘ED has betrayed Zimbabwe’

By Darlington Gatsi

ZANU PF member, Sybeth Musengezi, who is currently embroiled in a membership battle with the ruling party, says President Emmerson Mnangagwa has betrayed the country by reneging on earlier promises made when he ascended to power in 2017.

Musengezi is in an audacious bid to challenge Mnangagwa’s rise to power and replacing late former president, Robert Mugabe.

Mnangagwa took over in a military coup, with the party’s Central Committee endorsing him as the successor.

Speaking during a press conference in Harare this week, Musengezi argued Mnangagwa was a bad leader, worse than a colonist.

“When we voted Mnangagwa in 2018, we expected him to be a father of everyone not only a father to Zanu PF. We are not in support of the way he been treating opposition activists, and I’m calling upon my fellow comrades to stop these kind of actions,” said Musengezi.

“Our founding values emanate from the social injustices that were being perpetrated against blacks by Ian Smith during the colonial era. Our leaders are acting like terrorists,” said Sybeth Musengezi.

The court challenge comes as the ruling party gears up for its October congress, an event expected to endorse Mnangagwa as the sole candidate for next year’s elections.

Musengezi is a member of a group that has come together in support of incarcerated opposition legislator Job Sikhala.

The daring Harare resident said Zanu PF had deviated from its founding ethos under Mnangagwa labelling the leaders terrorists.

Former Zanu PF youth leader, Godfrey Tsenengamu echoed Musengezi’s sentiments saying the party had gone rogue throwing away the constitution and rule of law.

“I ask today to those who took part in Operation Restore Legacy, to say ‘is this what you intended to do after getting rid of president Mugabe, and those who were regarded as criminals around him?”

“It is very sad that the so called new dispensation has gone rogue, disregarding totally the rule of law and disregarding the national constitution,” said Tsenengamu.

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