
Mubaiwa complainant ‘exposed’ for lying under oath

A complainant in a case where Mary Mubaiwa is accused of assaulting her former maid Delight Munyoro was exposed as having lied under oath in court.

Munyoro had told magistrate Learnmore Mapiye that Mubaiwa assaulted her with the back of her swollen hand on her cheek, breaking her teeth.

Under cross examination by Mubaiwa’s lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa yesterday, Munyoro claimed to have forgotten the version of events including a statement she made to the police.

She struggled to explain when she visited Parirenyatwa hospital and a private medical doctor to seek treatment after the assault.

Munyoro also did not recall the name of the private doctor or the location of the said surgery she visited..

Mtetwa asked her how she could get injured and had her tooth removed after being assaulted with a hand that was swollen.

Munyoro then changed her statement saying she was injured by a ring Mubaiwa was wearing.

Mtetwa told Munyoro that she was being used by Mubaiwa’s ex-husband and Vice President Constantino Chiwenga to build a case against the former model.

The matter was postponed to March 28 for continuation of trial.

Mubaiwa denies charges of assaulting Munyoro when she met her at the school where her child is enrolled.

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