
Students Union gives University of Zimbabwe 48-hour ultimatum to reverse suspensions |

By Alois Vinga

THE University of Zimbabwe’s (UZ) administration has been threatened with unspecified consequences if it fails to reverse illegal students’ suspensions in the next 48 hours.

The petition submitted by the Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) UZ Chapter expressed their profound dismay and outrage at the recent suspensions of students describing the move as “the administration’s blatant disregard for the correct legal procedures and the gross violations of students’ rights that has transpired.”

The students group bemoaned that several students have been subjected to unwarranted suspensions without the appropriate legal route being followed highlighting that it is an affront to the principles of justice and fairness upon which society is built.

They have demanded the administration to immediately rectify this injustice by adhering to the legal action taken to challenge these suspensions.

“In light of these grave concerns, we hereby issue an ultimatum to the administration. We demand that within 48 hours of receiving this letter, the administration provides us with the written allegations against suspended students.

“Additionally, we insist on the immediate release of the date for the hearing regarding these suspensions. Failing to comply with this demand will leave us with no alternative except to pursue alternative avenues to seek justice.

“If the administration fails to address these concerns and the path of justice, we will be left with no option except to mobilise and fight for the rights of those affected in a manner which the administration will find unfavourable. Only cats can be pushed into a corner. We are not cats but tigers,” ZINASU added.

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