
UZ graduate seeks US$30k funding for kidney transplant in India |

By Mary Taruvinga

A 25-year-old University of Zimbabwe graduate, Ruth Hwara is seeking US$30 000 to undergo a kidney transplant in India.

Hwara studied Business Management with the UZ but fell sick shortly after she completed her studies before she was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

“All my kidneys are no longer functional. Doctors said my condition was caused by High Blood Pressure,” she said in one interview.

She has managed to raise US$4 500 since June last year.

Her fundraising organising team said now her life depends on dialysis, enduring 5-hour sessions, twice a week.

“Dr Madzudzo, her specialist, has made it clear that a kidney transplant is her only chance to survive.

“The cost of this procedure in India is estimated at 30 000 USD, a staggering amount beyond her capacity.

“Every day she fights for her life, your compassionate assistance could be the lifeline that pulls her out of her situation,” said the committee in a statement.

Hwara has a diet sheet, provided by her doctors but is struggling to stick to the diet due to lack of funds.

Besides this, she also undergoes taping sessions to drain fluids from her stomach and this procedure costs US$30 per session.

She also gets blood transfusions and exchange catheters which is making her life more complicated.

“Now my vision is blurred because of the continued use of some dialysis machines. My stomach is also swollen. I cannot stick to the diet because we have no money,” she said.

Nigel Makomo, a member of her fundraising organising team said “she is in pain.”

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