
Met department discourages farmers from planting – says it’s not the start of rainy season

By Staff Reporter

The Meteorological Services Department (MSD) has advised farmers not to begin planting on account of rainfall currently in certain regions of the country.

Many parts of the country received substantial rains this week.

The MSD stated that the substantial rains recorded so far do not indicate the beginning of the rainy season and discouraged farmers from planting unless they have adequate irrigation.

“The Meteorological Services Department advises that this is not the start of the rainy season.

“We advise farmers to use these rains to speed up land preparation (holing for Pfumvudza / Intwasa and accelerating tillage for those practicing conventional farming).

“Farmers are discouraged from planting unless they have adequate irrigation,” said Ministry of Lands and Agriculture Perm Secretary Obert Jiri said.

Jiri also discouraged farmers from harvesting wheat unless they have drying facilities.

“We expect the weather to clear soon so wheat farmers may expect a better assessment of the crop.

“Unless a farmer has access to drying facilities, no harvesting is advisable until the moisture content is in the acceptable range,” he added.

In Harare on Monday strong winds were followed by heavy rains, causing extensive damage: uprooting trees and damaging perimeter walls.

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