
Redcliff Primary School head refuses computers donation by opposition local MP

By Staff Reporter

Redcliff Primary School head and the School Development Committee (SDC) recently snubbed local Member of Parliament Lloyd Mukapiko, who had gone to donate laptops at the school from his Constituency Development Fund.

Mukapiko of MDC Alliance was employed by Redcliff Municipality as a former graveyard assistant, surprised many after trouncing his then boss in Local Government Minister July Moyo becoming MP for the suburb.

The legislator had to wait for an hour before he was attended to by school authorities as the school head, “was at home, ill.”

Redcliff SDC is led by Zanu PF members who were conspicuous by their absence during the donation ceremony.

“I would have been happy to present this donation to the school development committee. Unfortunately, they had their own political reasons for staying away from this event, which is quite unfortunate,” said Mukapiko.

“This donation of computers is benefiting learners here and that is development and development has nothing to do with politics. We mustn’t destroy the future of our country because of politics, development must take precedence,” he said.

He added, CDF is meant to benefit everyone within the constituency regardless of their political affiliations.

“CDF is meant for constituency development and development doesn’t locate anyone based on their political affiliations,” he said.

This is not the first time Zanu PF supporters have rejected the opposition MPs donation.

“We had a similar situation in nearby resettlement areas in Grasslands. However, we managed to resolve our differences and we are now working together. We decided to prioritise development ahead of partisan politics.

“Despite the fact that only 28 people voted for me in Grasslands, I have gone on to construct a classroom block in that ward. This was after a realisation that there were a few schools in the area,” he said.

Mukapiko added that he has since roped in people who contested against him in the 2018 elections.

Edmore Gotora, who represented ZIPP and Brenda Moyo NPF are now part of his constituency development committee, “because I want them to contribute in the development of the constituency. I want the idea which they had to be put into effect.”

Written by admin