
Former Mutare Mayor barred from attending Chamisa meeting

By Felix Matasva, Manicaland Correspondent

FORMER Mutare mayor, Blessing Tandi was last Friday labeled a traitor and barred from attending a Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) provincial assembly meeting presided over by party president Nelson Chamisa.

The meeting was held at the party’s provincial headquarters.

Tandi, who won the council ticket under the MDC Alliance led by Chamisa last year, switched allegiance to Douglas Mwonzora and his MDC–T when he was about to be recalled.

Sources who attended the meeting revealed that Tandi was barred by security after a directive was given by the party’s provincial leadership.

“Despite being recalled by Mwonzora for secretly working with Chamisa, Tandi was barred by security at the gate. They told him he was not allowed to attend Chamisa’s meeting with the provincial leadership. Trinity Manjengwa was one of the leading CCC’s securities who chased away Tandi, who could be heard begging to be allowed entry,” said the source.

The source added that security was given a directive by CCC Manicaland Chairperson, Prosper Mutseyami and senator Keresencia Chabuka to block Tandi from getting inside the venue where the national leadership was addressing.

CCC Manicaland spokesperson David Panganayi expressed ignorance over Tandi’s predicament.

He said if Tandi was refused access to the meeting it was on grounds that he currently does not hold any position within the party.

“I am not aware of his being barred from the provincial assembly. What interim position does he currently hold? It is unfortunate that he was barred from a meeting he was not invited,” said Panganayi.

He added that a provincial assembly is a meeting for particular positions within the party and invitations were sent accordingly.

Panganayi distanced Mutseyami from the chaos, indicating the provincial chairperson and women’s chairperson were not responsible for selecting people who attend meetings.

“No such directive was given. When we inform police of our intention to hold any public gathering, they require us to give them in writing all the expected guests. How was Tandi’s name going to be included when he was not invited?” he said.

Tandi declined to comment on the matter after reached him for a comment.

“I don’t have anything to comment on this matter. You can write whatever you want to write without my comment,” said Tandi.

Reports indicate a number of MDC-T office holders are angling a reunion with their comrades within the CCC after March’s by-election loss.

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