
Bulawayo: Covid cases surge post-ZITF

By Bulawayo Correspondent

THE city of Bulawayo has been hit by a surge in Covid-19 cases with, 26 cases having been reported Friday alone.

The city recently hosted national Independence Day celebrations and the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) in a quick succession. The events which both attracted huge numbers of people.

Speaking at a stakeholders meeting held in the city Friday, the city’s divisional environmental health officer (Epidemiology), Nhlanipho Sibanda, said the city has also recorded the highest number of Covid-19 cases throughout the country during the period under review.

Sibanda said all the city’s Covid-19 referral health institutions are admitted with Covid-19 patients with Ekusileni hospital having the highest number of patients.

“Seven Covid-19 patients are currently admitted at Ekusileni hospital while Thorngrove Infectious Diseases Hospital currently has four patients. Of the seven patients, three are not vaccinated while three patients at Thorngrove have not been jabbed also,” said Sibanda.

Two Covid-19 patients, she said are currently admitted at Mpilo and United Bulawayo Hospital (UBH) while Mater Dei has got only one patient.

The Divisional Environmental Health Officer also revealed that three Covid-19 cases have also been detected at two schools in the city since schools opened on May 3 for the second term.

Sibanda also revealed that a total number of 86 people have succumbed to the disease since the pandemic started about two years ago.

“More females were mostly affected by Covid-19 while more deaths were recorded on males,” she said.

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